Wellbeing at work - employers
Supporting the local business community
Our Workplace Health service provides a resource for local businesses to support employees to make small, realistic lifestyle changes to prevent future ill health.
Research has found that businesses who support employee wellbeing see improved engagement, retention, and productivity. We deliver support at your workplace, from Advisors trained in lifestyle and behaviour change.
Our free consultations support employees to identify small changes that can make a big difference such as losing weight, stopping smoking, reducing alcohol or getting more active, and can signpost onto other services where appropriate.
See our workplace health video (YouTube - new window) which shows a local company's experience of working with us to improve workplace wellbeing.
Wellbeing MOTs
Our Wellbeing MOTs offer tailored support to your employees with a confidential, 30-minute appointment to discuss health and wellbeing topics including:
- Weight and Body Mass Index
- Metabolic age
- Diet
- Hydration
- Sleep
- Alcohol intake
- Smoking status
- Movement
- General health and wellbeing
We offer full or half day visits and provide each workplace with an anonymised summary report of the MOT results, with any observations or recommendations for change to benefit the workforce.
Bespoke lifestyle talks
We can also offer your workplace a selection of interactive talks dependent on your employees' interests. These sessions are up to one hour and can be delivered online or face to face. We currently offer the following talks:
- Managing Stress & Building Resilience
- Food & Mood
- Sleep Awareness
- Relax & Breathe
- Breaking Habits
- Menopause Awareness
- Stretch & Move
We can develop new workshops for your workplace. Please contact us if you are interested in a specific topic.
How to book
To find out more about the service and book:
Phone: 01444 477191
E-mail: wellbeing@midsussex.gov.uk
Employer feedback from workplace health visits on premises:
“People liked personal advice and found it helpful. We found it very helpful to have the organisational trends which can be used for our well-being strategy.”
- Ridgeview Wine Estate
“This talk was well received by all participants. The information provided was on topic and really interesting, informative and well delivered in a relaxed and informal manner”
-BPA on our Menopuase Awareness Talk
Recent comments from employees attending a Wellbeing MOT:
"The whole concept and the method is was carried out was excellent - couldn't fault it. Very helpful and supportive team which really encouraged our workplace to make healthier decision and set goals" – LH
"The wellbeing MOT has given me overview of my health state. I now know what to do for my health" – BA
"Felt really comfortable discussing goals for fitness and improving general health" - JA
Other workplace feedback
"With regards to the three Wellbeing visits we received from your colleagues recently I would like to take this opportunity to say how well received their visits were by our staff. Your team where very warm and welcoming and a font of useful knowledge which lots of us took on board and there have been lots of conversations regarding types of food to be eating and fitness regimes to be started. I think everybody got a lot out of these sessions."
- Elaine Eldridge at Lloyds Banking Group, Haywards Heath
"All staff have seen these checks as really positive and are keen to arrange some more dates later in the year. Since the wellbeing visit we have undertaken a step challenge (supplied staff with pedometers) as one of the factors which came from the workplace assessment was physical activity levels and some staff set an improvement within this area. We have also supplied the office staff with a fruit basket as some healthier alternatives for snacking."
- ILG Logistics