Advice, tools and tips
What happens when you quit?
- Your body starts repairing the day you stop smoking and benefits build over time.
- Quitting not only improves your physical health but also your mental wellbeing.
- Your bank balance improves!
Visit the Better Health website to find out more about the benefits of quitting smoking.
Quitting tips
There are lots of helpful tips to help you succeed. These include listing your reasons to quit, using stop smoking aids and avoiding your smoking triggers.
More tips to help you quit can be found on the Better Health website.
Stop smoking aids
Stop smoking aids really help with managing nicotine cravings and other tobacco withdrawal symptoms. They also boost your chances of successfully quitting, especially if you get expert support from your local stop smoking service.
If you have tried stop smoking aids before, it's worth trying again because you may need to try a few to find what's right for you.
The different stop smoking aids include:
- Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), such as patches, sprays, gum and lozenges
- Nicotine vapes (e-cigarettes)
- Prescription-only medicines (tablets)
You can ask a doctor or pharmacist for more advice on what’s right for you or get free expert support from your local stop smoking service – for the best chance of quitting for good.
Here are the ways you can access your local service:
- Call us now on 0330 222 7980
- Email the Quit4Wellbeing team for more information.
- Download the Smoke Free app with free vape starter kit.
Additional support
Further support is available to help you quit and stay smokefree. This includes:
- Daily email support
- An online community on Facebook of others going through the same thing
- The free National Smokefree Helpline: 0300 123 1044
- Download the free NHS Quit Smoking app
Correct disposal of vapes
Vapes contain batteries so it is important they are disposed of safely. Separate containers are available at local Recycling Centres and all District and Borough councils in West Sussex offer kerbside small electrical collections.
If you live in the Horsham district, they have recently introduced two new collection points for used disposable vapes and batteries as a trial to encourage residents to dispose of these items more safely for recycling. More information can be found on the Horsham District Council website.