There is a good choice of affordable rented housing specifically provided for older people in Mid Sussex ranging from self-contained studio flats to 2 bed flats for couples that need separate bedrooms because of health reasons. Each scheme will have either a designated Scheme Manager or a visiting service to residents. A 24-hour alarm system provides assistance in emergencies.
In addition, there are currently five Extra Care Schemes in Mid Sussex located in Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath, Lindfield and East Grinstead. Home Care staff are available at Extra Care Schemes to provide personal care according to need as assessed by Adult Services at West Sussex County Council. The aim is to provide an independent home for life so that residents don't have to move into residential care. Please see the Housing Support – Extra Care pages on the Mid Sussex District Council website for further information. You can also find the full list of sheltered schemes in Mid Sussex on this page.
There are also a range of properties for older people to buy in Mid Sussex. Please contact the individual management company for up-to-date details of prices. There is more information on the Elderly Accommodation Counsel's website which has information on both Housing Association and private housing schemes for older people in Mid Sussex.
Girlings also have retirement rentals in Mid Sussex and the surrounding areas.
The Age UK website and Citizens Advice website are also useful for further advice and information on extra care options.
Help to stay in your home
If you would like to remain in your current home but are physically disabled and experiencing difficulty managing everyday activities, call the Adult Care Point on 01243 642121 to be referred to an Occupational Therapist. An assessment can be done to see whether your home can be adapted to meet your needs. For more information visit please visit the West Sussex Connect to Support website.
Where alterations or adaptations to your home have been recommended by an Occupational Therapist, contact the Council's Housing Standards Team (01444 477292) for details about Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG), see the Mid Sussex District Council website for more information.
Telecare and Lifeline services can also help you to live independently and stay in your home through a telephone-based alarm system providing rapid response at any time of the day and night, see the Housing Support - Telecare lifeline services section on the Mid Sussex District Council website for more information.
Housing Support Services
If you need help and support to improve your quality of life, remain independent and stay safe and well at home, or if you need advice and support because your present home is difficult to manage and want to know about the choices available, email the Housing Needs Team at Mid Sussex District Council or call them on 01444 477 574.
If you are a Clarion tenant, you can email customer services or call 0300 500 8000.
If you need support to help you manage the day-to-day running of your home, see the Mid Sussex District Council website for information.
The Council's Community and Living Team have compiled a comprehensive Community Connections Directory of services available for older people which can be seen on the Mid Sussex District Council website.
For advice and information about services for older people, visit the Mid Sussex District Council website.
Further Information
If you would like more details about any of the above, please call the Housing Needs Duty Line on 01444 477574